Thank you for playing MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.
Ultra Arena Season 46 began as of 3/16/2025 09:00 (JST).
■Duration of Season 46
- 3/16/2025 09:00 to 4/12/2025 23:59 (JST)
Ultra Arena
■Ultra Arena
Ultra Arena is where you can challenge other players with a crafted team of Heroes and Villains you've been diligently training.
Form an attack team for Ultra Arena and challenge other players' defense teams.
Challenging their teams will consume "Arena Tries".
Go up against Heroes and Villains trained by other players, aim to increase your league and class, and shoot for a high rank!
You can view more details about Ultra Arena from the Help menu.
[How to Access Help]
- Tap "Menu" located at the bottom of the Home screen.
- Tap "Help" on the Menu screen.
- Tap "Ultra Arena" in the Help menu.
■How to Play Ultra Arena
Ultra Arena is where you can challenge defense teams formed by other players.
Choose your opponent from a list of players in the Ultra Arena menu.
Form your attack team in the battle prep menu and start the fight.
The battle ends when all characters on the opponent's defense team or your own attack team are defeated.
Arena Points will increase or decrease depending on whether you win or lose.
In some leagues, Arena Points are not reduced after a defeat.
Also, up to the Hopeful League, Arena Points will not be reduced even if your defense fails.
If you belong to the Talent League or higher, your Arena Points will be reduced.
Your league and class will change when you reach a specific number of Arena Points.
You can also earn rewards after winning a battle.
After the official release, durations of Ultra Arena will be referred to as "Seasons".
You will be unable to battle in Ultra Arena during the span between the end of one season and the start of another season.
The league, class, and ranking season rewards will be sent after the season ends and scores are tallied.
■Leagues and Classes
Your affiliated league and class change depending on the number of Arena Points you earn in Ultra Arena.
Excluding the Legend League at the very top, there are four classes for each league.
The following is a list of leagues and classes, as well as the Arena Points required.
Legend League
- No classes (Required Arena Points: 12,000)
Ranking displayed only
Top League
- Class IV (Required Arena Points: 11,000)
- Class III (Required Arena Points: 10,000)
- Class II (Required Arena Points: 9,000)
- Class I (Required Arena Points: 8,000)
Elite League
- Class IV (Required Arena Points: 7,300)
- Class III (Required Arena Points: 6,600)
- Class II (Required Arena Points: 5,900)
- Class I (Required Arena Points: 5,200)
Expert League
- Class IV (Required Arena Points: 4,500)
- Class III (Required Arena Points: 3,900)
- Class II (Required Arena Points: 3,400)
- Class I (Required Arena Points: 2,900)
Talent League
- Class IV (Required Arena Points: 2,400)
- Class III (Required Arena Points: 2,000)
- Class II (Required Arena Points: 1,600)
- Class I (Required Arena Points: 1,200)
Hopeful League
- Class IV (Required Arena Points: 900)
- Class III (Required Arena Points: 650)
- Class II (Required Arena Points: 450)
- Class I (Required Arena Points: 300)
Rookie League
- Class IV (Required Arena Points: 200)
- Class III (Required Arena Points: 120)
- Class II (Required Arena Points: 60)
- Class I (Required Arena Points: 0)
Your class will go down if you fall below the required Arena Points.
Once your league increases, it will not decrease until the season ends.
Each league has a minimum required Arena Points, which you cannot fall below.
If you are affiliated with the Talent League or above, you will lose Arena Points when your defense fails.
You can earn class and league rewards by moving up during the season.
You can only earn those rewards once during the season.
■The Legend League
Legend is the highest league in Ultra Arena.
Players can join this league by earning 12,000 Arena Points.
The Legend League does not have any classes.
Instead of classes, there are rankings where you compete within the league for the highest number of earned Arena Points.
■Arena Tries
Challenging other players' defense teams will consume arena tries.
Arena tries will recover over time, once every 60 minutes.
Arena tries cannot exceed the maximum amount, no matter how much time passes.
Hero Gems and Restore Arena Tries Tickets can also be used to recover arena tries.
However, they cannot be used to exceed the maximum amount.
There is a limit to the number of Restore Arena Tries Tickets that can be used in a single day.
The limit is reset every day at 00:00 (JST).
■Special Battle Rules
Ultra Arena uses special rules that differ from normal Main Quest battles.
[Damaging Opponents]
The damage you do to opponents increases each turn.
[Type Compatibility Damage]
Type compatibility boost damage in Ultra Arena is less compared to Main Quest battles.
There are also special conditions associated with winning in Ultra Arena.
[Total Victory]
You can score a "Total Victory" by winning a battle without a single member of your team being KO'd.
You will be given bonus victory rewards and Arena Points if you fulfill the requirements for a Total Victory.
[Win Streak]
Win Streaks occur when you continuously win battles in a row without losing.
You will be given bonus victory rewards and Arena Points if you fulfill the requirements for the number of victories of the Win Streak.
[Secret Battle]
There is a chance that a Secret Battle will happen, where you cannot see your opponent's information on the list of opponents displayed on the Ultra Arena screen.
You will be given bonus victory rewards and Arena Points if you win a Secret Battle.
■Forming a Defense Team
You can form a defense team that other players can challenge in Ultra Arena.
Set up your team from the "Def. Team" button in the lower left corner of the Ultra Arena screen.
The defense team that you have set will automatically battle against challenging players.
You can check the results of defense battles using the "Battle Log" button on the Ultra Arena screen.
If your defense team wins in battle, you will receive rewards in your Gift Box.
If your defense team fails in the Talent League or higher, you will lose Arena Points.
■Mock Battles
Tap the "Def. Team" button to go to the "Select Defense Team" menu.
Your defense team can participate in Mock Battles by tapping the "Mock Battles" button on the Select Defense Team menu.
Mock Battles do not consume any arena tries, so you can attempt them with your defense team as many times as you wish.
However, Mock Battles will not give you rewards or change your Arena Points.
■Battle Interruptions
In Ultra Arena, if the connection is cut or the app is forcefully closed in the middle of a battle, it will be counted as a loss.
Please be aware of the above.
■How to Unlock Ultra Arena
The Ultra Arena can be unlocked by completing Main Quest 6-18 (NORMAL).
■Note on Ultra Arena
- Due to the investigation of fraudulent users and other processes, it may take up to a week for Ultra Arena rankings to be confirmed and season rewards to be sent to you.
Aim to be the No. 1 MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT player!
The Heroes and Villains whose Quirks you've trained will be confronted by countless rivals!
This makes Ultra Arena the ultimate test of skill for the Heroes and Villains you've been training!
Have fun!
We hope you continue to enjoy MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT!