New Event: Club Festival! Band together and aim to be the top Club!

11:00 (JST)

Thank you for playing MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.

As of 9/27/2023 11:00 (JST), "Club Festival", an event Club members must work together to challenge, is now underway.
This event is a way for Clubs to compete with each other.
Shoot for the top ranks with the help of your fellow Club members!

■Club Festival

Club Festival is an event where Clubs compete with each other.
Special stages with a powerful enemy will be available during the event.
Defeating the powerful enemy in the stage, which refreshes every day, will earn you event-exclusive pts.
The event pts earned by all of your Club members will then be totaled in a ranking.
You will receive ranking rewards based on your Club's position after the event period ends.

■Duration of 2nd Club Festival

■2nd Club Festival Results Announcement Period

■Period When Unable to Create, Join, Leave, or Remove Members From Clubs

During the above period, you will be unable to create, join, and leave Clubs, nor will you be able to remove Club members.

■Conditions for Participating in Club Festival

You must be a member of a Club before the Club Festival begins.

■How to Access Club Festival

Club Festival can be accessed through the following:

[How to Access]
  1. Tap "Club" on the Home screen.
  2. Tap "Club Festival" displayed on the monitor in the Club screen.

■How to Play Club Festival

Club Festival is an event where you compete with the total pts earned by all of your Club members.
During the event period, challenge the powerful enemies in the daily stages to earn pts, which will be reflected as "style".

You must form a team to be able to take on the Club Festival stages.
The conditions for ending battles in Club Festival stages are as follows.

[End Conditions]
  1. All the enemies that appeared on the stage are defeated
  2. All the characters on your team are unable to fight
  3. The battle has exceeded 20 turns

The style earned by your battle results will display at the end of the battle.
The better your battle results are, the more style you'll earn.
The stage is updated daily, so attained style is limited to that day's stage and cannot be updated from the next day onwards.
The next day will have a new stage where you can earn style once more.

You can get rewards like Raffle Tickets when you win a battle by defeating all the enemies that appeared on the stage.

Your Club ranking will be calculated by adding up the style attained each day during the Club Festival by all participating Club members.

■EX Stages

After clearing Stage 10, you will be able to challenge EX Stages.
EX Stages are special stages that feature formidable enemies with massive amounts of HP, and provide a chance to compete for the highest style.
Try to deal as much damage as possible and update your style!
*The HP recovery of enemies is reduced in EX Stages

■Stage Rules

There are special rules that give you the advantage during Club Festival stage battles.
These Stage Rules will give characters that fulfill certain conditions special effects, such as HP or power boosts.
Stage Rules will change for every Club Festival.

[2nd Club Festival Stage Rules]

This is your chance to gain the upper hand and earn more style!
If you have eligible characters, we recommend putting them on your team!


The points you earn from your battle results will be displayed as style.
Style will be calculated for each daily stage, and the attempt with the highest style attained on that day's stage will be saved.

Your style will be updated to the highest amount earned, which may depend on the battle conditions you fulfill, such as challenging later stages or winning battles in fewer turns.

■Rental Characters

If you lose a battle, you can retry using rental characters from your Club members' teams.
Characters from the 4 Club members with the highest style are available to rent.
The style ranking will still be updated for battles won using rental characters.

You can only use rental characters once per day.
In addition, rental characters cannot be used for Stage 10 or EX Stages.

■Raffle Tickets

You can get Raffle Tickets by clearing Club Festival stages.

Use them at the Raffle Exchange during the exchange period.
You can exchange Raffle Tickets for various rewards!
Rewards available at the Raffle Exchange include Hero Gems, Recruit Tickets, Lv Up items, and more.

■Raffle Exchange Period

■Types of Rankings

Different rankings will fluctuate based on the amount of style earned.

[Types of Rankings]

You will receive ranking rewards based on your final rankings when the event period ends.
Take on a stage every day and shoot for the top ranks!

■Ranking Rewards

You can get special Titles the higher you place in the rankings.

Titles can be obtained after fulfilling certain conditions such as having a high Club ranking.
When you get a Title, you will be able to set it from the Profile menu.
The Title you set will be displayed in various places such as the guest selection screen and Rankings screen.

There will be other amazing items aside from Titles such as Limit Breaker UR Fragments!


[How to Access Help]
  1. Tap "Menu" located at the bottom of the Home screen.
  2. Tap "Help" on the Menu screen.
  3. Tap "Club Festival" in the Help menu.

Band together and aim to be the top Club!
We're looking forward to your participation!

We hope you continue to enjoy MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT!