[Updated as of 3/4/2022 17:00 (JST)]
Thank you for playing MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.
The issue where players were not being directed to the app store when attempting to download the newest update has been resolved as of Ver.2.0.3.
While Ver.2.0.3 will not be a mandatory update, we recommend updating your game to the latest version so that you will be properly directed to the app store for subsequent updates.
We hope you continue to enjoy MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.
Thank you for playing MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.
We have confirmed an issue where players are not being directed to the app store when attempting to proceed with the mandatory Ver.2.0.2 update released on 2/24/2022 (JST).
We are currently working toward resolving the issue so that players will be properly directed to the app store.
The version containing the fix for this issue will be Ver.2.0.3, and we will release another notice when it is available for download from app stores.
Once the update is available, please search "MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT" in your app store and update the game.
The correct app store link is below.
After updating to Ver.2.0.3, future mandatory updates will not have this issue, and players will be properly directed to the app store.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this issue.
We hope you continue to enjoy MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.