Thank you for playing MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.
We have corrected an issue where the description of a character's Plus Ultra Move effect did not accurately reflect the actual effect.
Details pertaining to the issue are listed below.
■Issue Details
- The description of a character's Plus Ultra Move effect did not accurately reflect its actual effect.
■Affected Character(s)
■Affected Plus Ultra Move
■Plus Ultra Move Effect Description Before and After Correction(s)
[Before Corrections]
- Deals 550% damage to a single opponent with a high chance of burning them in hellfire for 3 turns. /This skill gains bullseye.
(*This description is for a skill at Lv. 1. The skill's effect changes according to the skill level. Please note that no adjustments have been made to the actual skill's effect.)
[After Corrections]
- Deals 550% damage to a single opponent with a high chance of burning them in hellfire, and inflicts Burn for 3 turns. /This skill gains bullseye.
(*This description is for a skill at Lv. 1. The skill's effect changes according to the skill level. Please note that no adjustments have been made to the actual skill's effect.)
■Issue Duration
- 7/15/2024 15:00 to 8/7/2024 16:59 (JST)
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this issue.
Additionally, an item distribution is being considered.
We will notify players once a decision has been made regarding recipients and item distribution content alongside the item distribution.
We hope you continue to enjoy MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT!