(Added 11/5/2024 17:00 (JST))
Thank you for playing MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.
We have distributed items in response to the issue.
■Item Distribution Details
150 Hero Gems
Stamina x500
Stamina x500
Stamina x500
*The total Stamina for this item distribution will be 1,500.
■Available To
Players who started the game before 10/13/2024 15:59 (JST)
■Distribution Period
11/5/2024 17:00 to 11/30/2024 23:59 (JST)
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this issue.
We hope you continue to enjoy MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT!
(Added 10/13/2024 16:00 (JST))
Thank you for playing MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.
We would like to inform players that the issue has been resolved.
■Issue Details
Unable to transfer user data to devices with iOS 18
Unable to access external websites such as the Support Form or pages with info related to the anime from within the app
■Issue Duration
10/7/2024 11:50 to 10/13/2024 15:59 (JST)
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this issue.
Additionally, an item distribution is being considered.
We will notify players once a decision has been made regarding recipients and item distribution content alongside the item distribution.
We hope you continue to enjoy MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT!
Thank you for playing MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT.
We have confirmed an issue where devices running iOS 18 are unable to transfer user data or access external websites.
■Issue Details
- Unable to transfer user data to devices with iOS 18
- Unable to access external websites such as the Support Form or pages with info related to the anime from within the app
An investigation into the cause of the issue is currently underway.
A fix will be implemented as soon as we are able to determine the cause.
We ask that you to please refrain from conducting data transfers to devices running iOS 18 or trying to access external websites from within the app until a fix has been implemented.
We hope you continue to enjoy MY HERO ULTRA IMPACT!