Climax Battle Vs. Geten

・Has immunity to Critical Hit Rate DOWN, skills sealed, confusion, freezing, fear, meat lump, and stun.
・His resistances to paralysis and binding increase when he is affected by these status ailments.
・After he initiates critical attacks 6 times, gives Frost Resistance DOWN and frost to all of his opponents (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives Frost Resistance UP to all of his opponents after receiving 6 critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives frost to a random opponent, ignoring the target, after receiving 5 non-critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP after receiving 3 attacks from opponents with frostbite (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Every time his HP falls to a set amount or lower, a new phase begins, and his behavioral patterns change.
*He becomes invincible when starting a new phase.
■Main Skills
・Deals damage to all of his opponents and gives them frost.
Gives frostbite to all of his opponents that have 30 or more frost.
Freezes all of his opponents that have 50 or more frost.
・Gives Speed DOWN to all of his opponents.
Gives Skill Impact DOWN to all of his opponents that have 30 or more frost.
Gives Critical Resistance DOWN to all of his opponents that have 50 or more frost.
After they receive 3 attacks from opponents with frostbite, increases their critical hit rate by {2}% for 20 turns, up to 10 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects when they are burning.
Also increases their resistances to paralysis and binding when they are affected by these status ailments, up to 2 times.
After they receive 6 critical attacks, increases frost resistance of all of their opponents for 3 turns and Action Skill impact by 15% for 4 turns (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
If they do not make critical attacks 4 times, cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects.
After they receive 5 critical attacks, makes all of their opponents ecstatic for 5 turns, up to 2 times, and increases all of their opponents' Plus Ultra Move skill impact by 20% for 6 turns, up to 2 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
After they receive 10 attacks from opponents that are regenerating HP, cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Also cancels all of their allies' temporary status ailments before moving on to Phase 2.

・Has immunity to Critical Hit Rate DOWN, confusion, freezing, fear, meat lump, stun, and Recovery Block.
・His resistances to paralysis and binding increase when he is affected by these status ailments.
・Has the ability to make a last stand until Phase 2 begins and his stress count is 30 or higher.
・For every 1 stress count, gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Skill Impact UP.
・His stress increases after he initiates critical attacks 1 time (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・His stress decreases after receiving 3 critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Has the ability to make a last stand and draw aggro when his stress count is less than 30.
・Gives all of his allies tranquility when he has the ability to draw aggro.
・His stress increases after he receives over a set amount of skill damage.
・When his HP is less than 1%, gains HP Regeneration (*This buff cannot be canceled or blocked), Skills Sealed, and Defense DOWN.
■Main Skills
・Deals damage to all of his opponents.
His stress increases when his stress count is less than 20.
His stress decreases when his stress count is 20 or higher.
When his stress count is 20 or higher, this skill gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Skill Impact UP.
・Gives himself Power UP, Speed UP, and Critical Resistance UP.
Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP when his stress count is 20 or higher.
・Deals damage to all of his opponents.
Gives himself Defense UP when he has the ability to draw aggro.
When his stress count is 30 or higher, gives himself Skill Impact UP and Critical Hit Rate UP.
When his stress count is 50 or higher, gives himself Power UP, Critical Skill Impact UP, and his stress decreases.
Also increases their resistances to paralysis and binding when they are affected by these status ailments, up to 2 times.
Their stress count increases by 7 every 1 turn.
After they initiate a critical attack 1 time, their stress count increases by 5 (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
After they receive 3 critical attacks, their stress count is reduced by 10 (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
For every 1 stress count, increases their critical hit rate by 2% and critical skill impact by 1%.
When their HP is less than 1%, regenerates their HP by 50% for 2 turns (*This buff cannot be canceled or blocked) and seals their skills for 2 turns.

・Has immunity to Critical Hit Rate DOWN, skills sealed, confusion, freezing, fear, meat lump, and stun.
・His resistances to paralysis and binding increase when he is affected by these status ailments.
・After he initiates critical attacks 6 times, gives Frost Resistance DOWN and frost to all of his opponents (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives Frost Resistance UP to all of his opponents after receiving 6 critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives frost to a random opponent, ignoring the target, after receiving 3 non-critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP after receiving 3 attacks from opponents with frostbite (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Every time his HP falls to a set amount or lower, a new phase begins, and his behavioral patterns change.
*He becomes invincible when starting a new phase.
■Main Skills
・Deals damage to all of his opponents and gives them frost.
Gives frostbite to all of his opponents that have 30 or more frost.
Freezes all of his opponents that have 50 or more frost.
・Gives Speed DOWN to all of his opponents.
Gives Skill Impact DOWN to all of his opponents that have 30 or more frost.
Gives Critical Resistance DOWN to all of his opponents that have 50 or more frost.
After they receive 3 attacks from opponents with frostbite, increases their critical hit rate by {2}% for 20 turns, up to 10 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects when they are burning.
Also increases their resistances to paralysis and binding when they are affected by these status ailments, up to 2 times.
After they receive 6 critical attacks, increases frost resistance of all of their opponents for 3 turns and Action Skill impact by 15% for 4 turns (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
If they do not make critical attacks 4 times, cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects.
After they receive 5 critical attacks, makes all of their opponents ecstatic for 5 turns, up to 2 times, and increases all of their opponents' Plus Ultra Move skill impact by 20% for 6 turns, up to 2 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
After they receive 10 attacks from opponents that are regenerating HP, cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Also cancels all of their allies' temporary status ailments before moving on to Phase 2.

・Has immunity to Critical Hit Rate DOWN, confusion, freezing, fear, meat lump, stun, and Recovery Block.
・His resistances to paralysis and binding increase when he is affected by these status ailments.
・Has the ability to make a last stand until Phase 2 begins and his stress count is 30 or higher.
・For every 1 stress count, gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Skill Impact UP.
・His stress increases after he initiates critical attacks 1 time (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・His stress decreases after receiving 3 critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Has the ability to make a last stand and draw aggro when his stress count is less than 30.
・Gives all of his allies tranquility when he has the ability to draw aggro.
・His stress increases after he receives over a set amount of skill damage.
・When his HP is less than 1%, gains HP Regeneration (*This buff cannot be canceled or blocked), Skills Sealed, and Defense DOWN.
■Main Skills
・Deals damage to all of his opponents.
His stress increases when his stress count is less than 20.
His stress decreases when his stress count is 20 or higher.
When his stress count is 20 or higher, this skill gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Skill Impact UP.
・Gives himself Power UP, Speed UP, and Critical Resistance UP.
Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP when his stress count is 20 or higher.
・Deals damage to all of his opponents.
Gives himself Defense UP when he has the ability to draw aggro.
When his stress count is 30 or higher, gives himself Skill Impact UP and Critical Hit Rate UP.
When his stress count is 50 or higher, gives himself Power UP, Critical Skill Impact UP, and his stress decreases.
Also increases their resistances to paralysis and binding when they are affected by these status ailments, up to 2 times.
Their stress count increases by 7 every 1 turn.
After they initiate a critical attack 1 time, their stress count increases by 5 (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
After they receive 3 critical attacks, their stress count is reduced by 10 (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
For every 1 stress count, increases their critical hit rate by 2% and critical skill impact by 1%.
When their HP is less than 1%, regenerates their HP by 50% for 2 turns (*This buff cannot be canceled or blocked) and seals their skills for 2 turns.

・Has immunity to Critical Hit Rate DOWN, skills sealed, confusion, freezing, fear, meat lump, and stun.
・His resistances to paralysis and binding increase when he is affected by these status ailments.
・Gives Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Resistance UP to all of his

・Gives Critical Hit Rate DOWN and Critical Resistance DOWN to all of his

・Gives Critical Hit Rate DOWN to all of his opponents.
・After he initiates critical attacks 3 times, gives Frost Resistance DOWN and frost to all of his opponents (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives Frost Resistance UP to all of his opponents after receiving 6 critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP after receiving 3 non-critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP after receiving 3 attacks from opponents with frostbite (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives frost to all of his opponents after receiving 1 attack from an opponent with piercing shot (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Every time his HP falls to a set amount or lower, a new phase begins, and his behavioral patterns change.
*He becomes invincible when starting a new phase.
■Main Skills
・Deals damage to all of his opponents and gives them frost.
Gives frostbite to all of his opponents that have 20 or more frost.
Freezes all of his opponents that have 30 or more frost. *This effect cannot be nullified or canceled.
・Gives Speed DOWN to all of his opponents.
Gives Skill Impact DOWN to all of his opponents that have 20 or more frost.
Gives Critical Resistance DOWN to all of his opponents that have 30 or more frost.
・Deals damage to all of his opponents and switches them out with backup characters.
This skill gains bullseye and piercing shot.
After they receive 3 attacks from opponents with frostbite, increases their critical hit rate by {2}% for 20 turns, up to 10 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects when they are burning.
Also increases their resistances to paralysis and binding when they are affected by these status ailments, up to 2 times.
After they receive 6 critical attacks, increases frost resistance of all of their opponents for 3 turns and Action Skill impact by 20% for 4 turns (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
If they do not make critical attacks 4 times, cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects.
After they receive 5 critical attacks, makes all of their opponents ecstatic for 5 turns, up to 2 times, and increases all of their opponents' Plus Ultra Move skill impact by 25% for 6 turns, up to 2 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
After they receive 10 attacks from opponents that are regenerating HP, cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Also cancels all of their allies' temporary status ailments before moving on to Phase 2.
Decreases critical hit rate of all of their ABL type opponents by 50% and critical resistance by 50%.
After they receive 2 attacks from ABL type opponents, increases critical hit rate of all of their allies by 10%, up to 5 times, and critical skill impact by 10%, up to 5 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Decreases critical hit rate of all of their DST type opponents by 50% and critical resistance by 50%.
After they receive 2 attacks from DST type opponents, increases critical hit rate of all of their allies by 10%, up to 5 times, and critical skill impact by 10%, up to 5 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).

・Has immunity to Critical Hit Rate DOWN, confusion, freezing, fear, meat lump, stun, and Recovery Block.
・His resistances to paralysis and binding increase when he is affected by these status ailments.
・Has the ability to make a last stand until Phase 3 begins.
・For every 1 stress count, gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Resistance UP.
・His stress increases after he initiates critical attacks 1 time (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・His stress increases after receiving 5 non-critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・His stress decreases after receiving 3 critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・When his HP is less than 1%, gains HP Regeneration (*This buff cannot be canceled or blocked), and Skills Sealed.
■Main Skills
・Deals damage to all of his opponents.
His stress increases when his stress count is less than 20.
His stress decreases when his stress count is 20 or higher.
When his stress count is 20 or higher, this skill gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Skill Impact UP.
・Deals damage to a single opponent.
Gives himself Critical Skill Impact UP when his stress count is 30 or higher.
Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP when his stress count is 40 or higher.
This skill gains piercing shot.
・Gives himself Power UP, Speed UP, and Critical Resistance UP.
Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP when his stress count is 30 or higher.
Gives Status Ailment Null to all of his allies.
・Deals damage to a single opponent.
Stuns a single opponent when his stress count is less than 40.
Stuns a single opponent when his stress count is 40 or higher.
When his stress count is 40 or higher, this skill gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Skill Impact UP.
This skill gains piercing shot. *Plus Ultra Move
Also increases their resistances to paralysis and binding when they are affected by these status ailments, up to 2 times.
Their stress count increases by 7 every 1 turn.
After they initiate a critical attack 1 time, their stress count increases by 5 (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
After they receive 3 critical attacks, their stress count is reduced by 10 (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
For every 1 stress count, increases their critical hit rate by 2% and critical skill impact by 1%.
When their HP is less than 1%, regenerates their HP by 50% for 2 turns (*This buff cannot be canceled or blocked) and seals their skills for 2 turns.

・Has immunity to Critical Hit Rate DOWN, skills sealed, confusion, freezing, fear, meat lump, and stun.
・His resistances to paralysis and binding increase when he is affected by these status ailments.
・Gives Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Resistance UP to all of his

・Gives Critical Hit Rate DOWN and Critical Resistance DOWN to all of his

・Gives Critical Hit Rate DOWN to all of his opponents.
・After he initiates critical attacks 3 times, gives Frost Resistance DOWN and frost to all of his opponents (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives Frost Resistance UP to all of his opponents after receiving 6 critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP after receiving 3 non-critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP after receiving 3 attacks from opponents with frostbite (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・Gives frost to all of his opponents after receiving 1 attack from an opponent with piercing shot (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・During his last phase, gives himself the ability to make a last stand until 1 of his allies gets knocked out.
・Every time his HP falls to a set amount or lower, a new phase begins, and his behavioral patterns change.
*He becomes invincible when starting a new phase.
■Main Skills
・Deals damage to all of his opponents and gives them frost.
Gives frostbite to all of his opponents that have 20 or more frost.
Freezes all of his opponents that have 30 or more frost. *This effect cannot be nullified or canceled.
・Gives Speed DOWN to all of his opponents.
Gives Skill Impact DOWN to all of his opponents that have 20 or more frost.
Gives Critical Resistance DOWN to all of his opponents that have 30 or more frost.
・Deals damage to all of his opponents, freezes them, and gives them frost.
Gives Plus Ultra Gauge Charge Rate DOWN to all of his opponents that have 50 or more frost.
This skill gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Skill Impact UP when he has resilience. *Plus Ultra Move
・Deals damage to all of his opponents and switches them out with backup characters.
This skill gains bullseye and piercing shot.
After they receive 3 attacks from opponents with frostbite, increases their critical hit rate by {2}% for 20 turns, up to 10 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects when they are burning.
Also increases their resistances to paralysis and binding when they are affected by these status ailments, up to 2 times.
After they receive 6 critical attacks, increases frost resistance of all of their opponents for 3 turns and Action Skill impact by 25% for 4 turns (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
If they do not make critical attacks 4 times, cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects.
After they receive 5 critical attacks, makes all of their opponents ecstatic for 5 turns, up to 2 times, and increases all of their opponents' Plus Ultra Move skill impact by 30% for 6 turns, up to 2 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
After they receive 10 attacks from opponents that are regenerating HP, cancels all of their opponents' temporary Frost effects (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Also cancels all of their allies' temporary status ailments before moving on to Phase 2.
Decreases critical hit rate of all of their ABL type opponents by 50% and critical resistance by 50%.
After they receive 2 attacks from ABL type opponents, increases critical hit rate of all of their allies by 10%, up to 5 times, and critical skill impact by 10%, up to 5 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
Decreases critical hit rate of all of their DST type opponents by 50% and critical resistance by 50%.
After they receive 2 attacks from DST type opponents, increases critical hit rate of all of their allies by 10%, up to 5 times, and critical skill impact by 10%, up to 5 times (multi hit attacks=1 attack).

・Has immunity to Critical Hit Rate DOWN, confusion, freezing, fear, meat lump, stun, and Recovery Block.
・His resistances to paralysis and binding increase when he is affected by these status ailments.
・Has the ability to make a last stand until Phase 4 begins.
・For every 1 stress count, gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Resistance UP.
・His stress increases after he initiates critical attacks 1 time (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・After receiving 3 non-critical attacks, gives himself Defense UP and his stress increases (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・His stress increases after receiving 5 non-critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・His stress decreases after receiving 5 critical attacks (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
・When his HP is less than 1%, gains HP Regeneration (*This buff cannot be canceled or blocked), and Skills Sealed.
■Main Skills
・Deals damage to all of his opponents.
His stress increases when his stress count is less than 20.
His stress decreases when his stress count is 20 or higher.
When his stress count is 20 or higher, this skill gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Skill Impact UP.
・Deals damage to a single opponent.
Gives himself Critical Skill Impact UP when his stress count is 30 or higher.
Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP when his stress count is 40 or higher.
This skill gains piercing shot.
・Gives himself Power UP, Speed UP, and Critical Resistance UP.
Gives himself Critical Hit Rate UP when his stress count is 30 or higher.
Gives Status Ailment Null to all of his allies.
・Deals damage to a single opponent.
Stuns a single opponent when his stress count is less than 40.
Stuns a single opponent when his stress count is 40 or higher.
When his stress count is 40 or higher, this skill gains Critical Hit Rate UP and Critical Skill Impact UP.
This skill gains piercing shot. *Plus Ultra Move
Also increases their resistances to paralysis and binding when they are affected by these status ailments, up to 2 times.
Their stress count increases by 7 every 1 turn.
After they initiate a critical attack 1 time, their stress count increases by 5 (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
After they receive 3 critical attacks, their stress count is reduced by 10 (multi hit attacks=1 attack).
For every 1 stress count, increases their critical hit rate by 2% and critical skill impact by 1%.
When their HP is less than 1%, regenerates their HP by 50% for 2 turns (*This buff cannot be canceled or blocked) and seals their skills for 2 turns.

![[Ice Roar] Geten Orb α](/assets/item_m/item_m_162222102.webp)
![[Ice Roar] Geten Orb β](/assets/item_m/item_m_162222202.webp)
![[Ice Roar] Geten Piece](/assets/item_m/item_m_241222002.webp)
![[Ice Roar] Geten Piece](/assets/item_m/item_m_241222002.webp)
![[Ice Roar] Geten DX Piece](/assets/item_m/item_m_251222002.webp)























