Steam-Clad Destroyer
UR Memory
UR Memory
Base Stats (Lv.80)
HP: 6734
Power: 2141
Speed: 143
LB1 Stats (Lv.85)
HP: 6964
Power: 2236
Speed: 148
LB2 Stats (Lv.90)
HP: 7194
Power: 2331
Speed: 153
LB3 Stats (Lv.95)
HP: 7424
Power: 2426
Speed: 158
LB4 Stats (Lv.100)
HP: 7654
Power: 2521
Speed: 163
LB5 Stats (Lv.105)
HP: 11599
Power: 3961
Speed: 228
Skill Lv.1

Increases character's critical skill impact by 35% when equipped by a MND type character.
When character has the ability to use sharp eye, increases character's critical hit rate by 10% for 2 turns and cancels 1 of the character's temporary status ailments.
Increases character's Action Skill impact by 10% for 3 turns after the character's temporary status ailments are canceled 1 time (multi cancels per action=1 cancel).
When character has the ability to use sharp eye, increases character's critical hit rate by 10% for 2 turns and cancels 1 of the character's temporary status ailments.
Increases character's Action Skill impact by 10% for 3 turns after the character's temporary status ailments are canceled 1 time (multi cancels per action=1 cancel).
Skill Lv.2

Increases character's critical skill impact by 40% when equipped by a MND type character.
When character has the ability to use sharp eye, increases character's critical hit rate by 15% for 2 turns and cancels 1 of the character's temporary status ailments.
Increases character's Action Skill impact by 15% for 3 turns after the character's temporary status ailments are canceled 1 time (multi cancels per action=1 cancel).
When character has the ability to use sharp eye, increases character's critical hit rate by 15% for 2 turns and cancels 1 of the character's temporary status ailments.
Increases character's Action Skill impact by 15% for 3 turns after the character's temporary status ailments are canceled 1 time (multi cancels per action=1 cancel).
Skill Lv.3

Increases character's critical skill impact by 45% when equipped by a MND type character.
When character has the ability to use sharp eye, increases character's critical hit rate by 20% for 2 turns and cancels 1 of the character's temporary status ailments.
Increases character's Action Skill impact by 20% for 3 turns after the character's temporary status ailments are canceled 1 time (multi cancels per action=1 cancel).
When character has the ability to use sharp eye, increases character's critical hit rate by 20% for 2 turns and cancels 1 of the character's temporary status ailments.
Increases character's Action Skill impact by 20% for 3 turns after the character's temporary status ailments are canceled 1 time (multi cancels per action=1 cancel).
Skill DX Lv.1

Increases character's critical skill impact by 50% when equipped by a MND type character.
When character has the ability to use sharp eye, increases character's critical hit rate by 20% for 2 turns and cancels 2 of the character's temporary status ailments.
Increases character's Action Skill impact by 20% for 3 turns after the character's temporary status ailments are canceled 1 time (multi cancels per action=1 cancel).
When character has the ability to use sharp eye, increases character's critical hit rate by 20% for 2 turns and cancels 2 of the character's temporary status ailments.
Increases character's Action Skill impact by 20% for 3 turns after the character's temporary status ailments are canceled 1 time (multi cancels per action=1 cancel).
Memory Artwork